On 12/08/2012 06:07 AM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Arun SAG <saga...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 5:32 AM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johan...@gmail.com>

If we want to solve this we need to release an Fedora LTS release for our
and the potential other user >base that don't have to/want to update every 6
or 12 months.

Completely agree on this one. In my day job we started using Fedora as one
of our desktop os. Then support  issues and upgrade cycle started giving
nightmares to corp IT. They are looking at other avenues now. I really wish
there is a LTS release for this awesome distro -  Fedora.

Why does there need to be a long-term support for Fedora?

My primary problem with Fedora isn't "lack of stability", but lack of API/ABI and UI-stability/persistence/sustainability between upgrades.

In other words, I can cope with the number of crashes upgrades typically come along with, but the number "UI-changes" is what makes Fedora difficult to use for me.

Why not just
use Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

My view: RHEL is not an alternative to Fedora. CentOS would be a candidate alternative to Fedora, however due to the nature of its upstream and its upstream target audience (servers) it lacks a lot to be functionally "on par" with Fedora.

That said, if I was managing a larger network, I'd likely choose CentOS as base OS and harvest Fedora to setup a custom "add-on" repo.


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