On Fri, 2012-11-30 at 13:30 +0100, Erwin Waterlander wrote:
> Op 30-11-2012 12:34, Andreas Tunek schreef:
> >
> > Have you reported any bugs? Otherwise, how do you expect problems to 
> > be fixed?
> >
> No I haven't reported a bug, sorry. I upgraded from f14 to f17 (via 
> f16). I searched the internet for solutions and found that this problem 
> exists since f15. Therefore I assumed it was a known problem.

It's impossible to tell because you have not provided any details, but
you have to be careful with assertions like that. There are thousands of
different NVIDIA adapters out there. It's perfectly possible for ten
different bugs to all have the same superficial symptom ('it boots to a
black screen' being a classic one, for instance). You can't assume that
your problem is 'known' just because your symptom sounds kind of like
one you read about on a forum somewhere.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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