On 11/27/2012 10:08 AM, Debarshi Ray wrote:
>> OK, so there are some proprietary or otherwise encumbered plugins that might 
>> not be GPLv3-compatible but might be compatible with GPLv2.
> You again missed the "GPLv2 with exceptions" part.
>>> Plus, this practice of either using LGPLv2+ or GPLv2+ with exceptions for 
>>> applications is so widespread in GStreamer land (Totem, PiTiVi, Rhythmbox, 
>>> Transmageddon, etc.) that I was not comfortable with having a situation 
>>> where the application silently ends up under a different license due to 
>>> another library.
>> I don't think that's a problem because the whole purpose of the "or any 
>> later version of the GPL, at your choice" is to allow the GPL to be updated.
> You don't think that it is a problem that our downstreams might inadvertently 
> end up violating the GPL by shipping GPLv3 code that links to non-free 
> software? I am not saying they are, but the chances are too high for me to 
> take this lightly.

Again, if they are doing this then they are already violating the GPL
by shipping GPLv2 code that links to non-free software.  The v2 versus
v3 thing is a red herring.

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