Am 15.10.2012 21:43, schrieb Bill Nottingham:
> Kevin Fenzi ( said: 
>>> 122659574       kernel
>>> 117821428       glibc-common
>>> 35623360        linux-firmware
>>> 14233540        coreutils
>>> 13845828        glibc
>> I wonder... could we make linux-firmware optional? 
>> I would expect many virt env's don't need any firmware to work... 
>> (but of course I could be wrong).
> "It depends". It includes firmware for wired NICs as well as other things,
> so it depends on what hardware your virtual environment is deciding to
> emulate

surely, it depends

but the hard dependency is a little too much

install it as default at fedora setup is fine
so such wired NICs are supported

but as example on a VMware platfrom these days you are using
vmxnet3 and vmw_pvscsi what means that all virtual hardware
is supported from the upstream kernel

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