On 10/09/2012 05:55 AM, john.flor...@dart.biz wrote:
From: "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johan...@gmail.com>
I personally want to see the documentation releng/fesco has about what
the default minimal set, what the process is to have something
include,excluded from it and why the packages that exist in it are there
in the first place.
I too would very much like to see this as almost all of the (hundreds,
soon to be thousands of) systems I manage start life as a minimal install
and grow "just enough" to fit their role. I take "minimal" quite
literally in that I believe it should be the absolute minimum to boot,
login and install more atop of that, but only as needed. Anything beyond
this is some "use case", but minimal is minimal.
John Florian
And now we see why Anaconda did /not/ have a "minimal" option for a
while. Minimal means different things.
To some, it means an OS that boots, lets root log in, read man pages,
use non-english languages, and add more packages with depsolving. To
others it means an OS that boots and lets root login, and that's it.
Others feel that minimal should be enough to give you a filesystem and
runtime you can chroot into (but no kernel/bootloader).
Right now, "minimal" is defined in comps, as a set of packages.
Installing this group will depsolve and add more of course, which is
controlled by the packages itself. Anaconda will add a few more things
forcefully, such as a kernel and a bootloader and potential arch
specific utilities, as well as authconfig and
system-config-firewall-base in order to add the root user and configure
the firewall.
There are a couple places to make adjustment to what "minimal" is, comps
and the packages. As for the things Anaconda adds, we're not too keen
on having that be "configurable". Anaconda is really meant to be
creating bootable systems, not necessarily stripped down chroots.
That said, we do have multiple install paths in Anaconda now, and it's
not beyond the realm of imagination that there could be a mode that
creates a chroot, optionally bootable, with a very trimmed down set.
This would likely have to be driven by kickstart files, but does seem to
dovetail a bit with the Arm effort, where installs are just blasting
bits onto a SD card.
Interested parties should take up this effort and run with it, the
Anaconda team won't likely be spending any time on this for a while, if
ever. We will however review patches and guide those wanting to work on it.
Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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