On 10/08/2012 10:49 AM, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
Reindl Harald píše v Ne 07. 10. 2012 v 20:02 +0200:
Am 07.10.2012 19:55, schrieb drago01:
Maybe maybe not. The point is that a fancy software shop would result
into this "old mother" type of user consider to use fedora.
A user ultimately don't care about packages but about applications.
Other distritors are moving in this direction while we fall behind.
We should lead here like we do in other areas.
why do we need to lead everywehre for every price?

It will be nice if more people uses Fedora, but it not the main target, the
greatness of Fedora is not measured but how many user it have, compared to
other Linuxes or other os'es.
Well without users (and growth) it will become irrelevant and thus it
will become harder to achieve anything else.
nobody says "without users"
but do we really need every noob as user?
Why does some of us imply it's about noobs?
Because hardly any of the non-noobs misses this "Software Center" and because non-noobs know that the term "apps" is an Apple/Google marketing hype?
Anyone who'd like to would be able to
use YUM, YUMEX, Add/Remove, Apper,...
Pardon, I do not understand what's your problem is. If it's just a "yet another frontend/GUI program", why not package it? If it requires some server side infrastructure you will have to talk to FESCO.

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