On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:42 AM, drago01 <drag...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Not buying that. If you tap and nothing happens you may also think > that something is broken "why does my touchpad not work" ... this is > even more likely then your scenario. > So this argument is flawed as well. > > But was tap to click ever enabled by default in Fedora then suddenly switched to disabled? If the default has always been disabled, why would a user have the expectation that tapping is broken when it was never a default in the first place? Moreover, a simple google of "fedora tap to click" tells you exactly how to enable it. This discussion is creating a problem where there isn't one. Tap to click is also disabled in OS X by default and I think Mac users are able to figure it out just fine. If they can find the setting, Fedora users can as well :)
-- Steve Morrissey Information Technology Systems & Services University of Minnesota Duluth o: 218.726.8866
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