Quoting Renich Bon Ciric (2012-09-17 15:29:46)
> Hello guys!
> I'm interested in packaging XtreemFS for Fedora. They're BSD and the
> project pretty good; even if it's java-based; it works fine with
> openjdk. It's a EU project, it seems.
> I'm not proficient in java but I have been using this one and know it well.
> And, besides, the developers are very friendly and all. They, also,
> have RPMs for F16:
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/xtreemfs/Fedora_16/
> I'd love it if somebody proficient in java would join to help co-maintain.
> I sent an email just like this one to the java-devel list. Please,
> forgive the repost.

I can't really help with comaintaining, but in Fedora/Java land we quite
often solve problems as a group. So if you'll hit specific problems with
the package and send email to java-devel (or drop by #fedora-java at the
right time), someone will help out. We have quite a few provenpackagers
and unwritten agreement between most of us that we fix up each other's
packages. Unless the package has big dependency changes between
releases, the maintenance burden should be pretty small.

It seems only the server part is Java and it has close to zero
dependencies (except protobuf, which we have in fedora). You should be
able to build it without problem. If you don't feel comfortable, don't
build the Java/server part and someone can create server subpackage
patches once the package is in Fedora. 

Good luck!

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotni...@redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

PGP: 7B087241
Red Hat Inc.                               http://cz.redhat.com
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