On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 9:22 PM, Rich Mattes <richmat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to rebuild one of my packages (mrpt), and I'm running into a TLS
> mismatch error that I am having issues troubleshooting. The offending build
> is at https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=4412122

The problem symbol demangles to
Eigen::internal::manage_caching_sizes(Eigen::Action, int*,
int*)::m_l1CacheSize, which is in

inline void manage_caching_sizes(Action action, std::ptrdiff_t* l1=0,
std::ptrdiff_t* l2=0)
  static std::ptrdiff_t m_l1CacheSize = 0;
  static std::ptrdiff_t m_l2CacheSize = 0;
#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp threadprivate(m_l1CacheSize,m_l2CacheSize)

So when building with OpenMP support, those two static variables are
declared to be thread-private (i.e., to use Thread Local Storage, or
TLS).  Your problem is that you are trying to link a PCL library built
with OpenMP with mrpt that has not been built with OpenMP, so its
versions of those static variables are non-TLS.

Bottom line: either both PCL and mrpt have to be built with OpenMP
support, or neither of them can be.

You've got a couple of other problems here.  One is that you are
building with SSE3 support.  Even on x86_64, you can't be sure that
all clients have that.  I think you need to add this to your cmake

%ifnarch x86_64

Also, cmake complains about not being able to find a suitesparse
algorithm, which is remedied by adding a suitesparse-devel BR.

Jerry James
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