Hi there,

As decided yesterday at our weekly meeting[0], we are going to go
through all funding requests next Monday (the 20th of August) at 20:00
UTC on #fedora-meeting-1.
Please, give us enough details on what you plan to do while requesting
The deadline has been reached, but hopefully we are still able to
grant funding. Let's propose us an amazing talk or hacking sessions!

If you've already filled the Trac ticket, you can check our
spreadsheet[3] and see our comments (yeah I should probably comment
each tickets one by one, but with your help that would be faster.) and
also confirm that I read your request correctly.
If you haven't registered yet, please do it Now[2] and book your hotel
(remind that canceling is free of charge until Dday-1) as there won't
be enough free rooms on September (all hotels should be crowded by
that time).

All other already registered, write on the wiki table[4] the subjects
that you wish to propose or on which you're interested. We will define
the schedule process later but that will help us.

[1] http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/fudcon_emea_paris/fudcon_emea_paris.2012-08-16-18.00.html
[2] http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2012-August/003099.html
[3] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An1TeHVqOhP6dHAyX1ZYUUtFc2c1VnJhaHRJam9sZGc
[4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Paris_2012#Pre-registration


Kévin Raymond
devel mailing list

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