On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 09:48:19AM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:

> A wild shot in the dark, but not
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F17_bugs#ksdevice-case-sensitive ?
> I wrote that because we had one person who was using
> 'ksdevice=BOOTIF'...
Too easy... no, the boot cmdline is correct "... ksdevice=link ks=nfs:...".

> Perhaps prior to that, the parameter was simply ignored, so in your
> CentOS install those partitions aren't actually growable? I'm not sure,
> though. dlehman can likely explain better.

Yes, it works fine in RHEL6, it grows as expected (partitions 3 and 4
take all remaining disk space, each half of it).  And I think it makes
sense to be able to do this, why should that be limited to RAID0...

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