
On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 6:09 AM, Kevin Fenzi <ke...@scrye.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Aug 2012 17:51:58 +0530
> Parag N(पराग़) <panem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can you please fix the script so that it will ignore the new packages
>> that just got their SCM request completed but package not yet built on
>> koji from neeedsbuilt list?
> Why wouldn't they be built as soon as they were added?

You are right but I am still finding the answer on what to do in such
situations as we have no policy for that. In the past I have done some
reviews where even a package SCM is done but reporter didn't import
the package at all. For some packages I did it after waiting long.
Can we have any solution like block the packages after some time if
reporter will not import the package. That way such rel-eng scripts
can avoid listing those packages. If anyone want to takeover such
package ownership then he can just re-add the package SCM request or
submit a fresh review request.

Another thing, Its not always possible for a package owner to
instantly import the package once the package SCM is done. So, if we
still need to show such packages in needsbuilt then I see no solution
for this case.

>>  I am still confused over the meaning of
>> needsbuilt list. Does that mean packages missed by mass rebuild script
>> as well as failed builds from mass rebuild need to be only listed in
>> needsbuilt list?
> I think it's any package that doesn't have a successfull build in f18
> since the mass rebuild was started.

I see that even if I will get my new package SCM done today and this
script is run, I can see my package appeared in needsbuilt list
whereas it has nothing to do with f18 mass rebuild as my package is
totally a new package. Isn't it a regular package process where we
actually have no restrictions on when to have a new package process

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