On Tue, 2012-07-31 at 09:30 -0400, Jaroslav Skarvada wrote:

> During the event it proved that managing dozens of attendants become
> pain with the current test day infrastructure. For newcomers it was
> hard to understand how to fill results into wiki (or the concept of
> the wiki itself). It was even harder for remotees. Several times we
> received plain text reports and we had to transfer them into wiki
> ourself. In rush hours there were so many conflicting edits in the
> wiki that we had to utilize one people who worked only as a wiki
> corrector. I cannot imagine how to handle e.g. double number of
> participants with the current system. I think that some more robust
> and intuitive system is needed to attract/handle more participants.
> If designed the right way it could also simplify evaluation of results
> and could give answers to various queries like "what HW worked on
> which version of Fedora".
> So again many thanks to all attendees and supporters and hope to see
> you during F18 PM test day :)

Thanks for the recap and the process feedback!

Yeah, the wiki system certainly has limitations. The problem is that any
replacement is likely to be significantly more complex on the
infrastructure side and also for Test Day organizers than simply using
the Wiki, so it's something of a trade-off; we've never found any kind
of 'drop-in' system that does exactly what we want. At least as far as
we've found so far, any replacement would make it somewhat more
difficult to organize a Test Day.

I've run X Test Weeks for several releases which can get upwards of 100
responses sometimes, and the Wiki has mostly held out to that.

Still, I agree it's not an optimal system, and if anyone has any
suggestions for alternatives we'd be glad to have them.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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