----- 元のメッセージ -----
| Akira TAGOH wrote:
| > I admit simply enabling force-auto-hinting isn't enough. we
| > definitely
| > need to optimize a lot to make it more better.
| The FreeType autohinter has been developed for years, leading to what
| we
| have now. It is totally unreasonable to expect to be able to
| "optimize" it
| in the time frame of a single release.
| It should also be quite expected that using the hinting information
| provided
| by the fonts will necessarily lead to better hinting than not using
| it.

Well, that's true for proprietary fonts, but not necessarily true for free 
fonts. I see FreeType upstream is working on ttfautohint, that may implies that 
there are the case autohinting is better than hinting in the font as it tries 
to remove the existing hinting data if any.

| Those are broken fonts (they probably ship hinting information only
| for
| selected glyphs and leave the others entirely unhinted), and we
| should force
| autohinting manually for those fonts.

Yes, I noted that in the contingency plan. it should be a trade-off. if we have 
a lot of _broken_ fonts, then it would be better doing it in fontconfig and 
stop using autohinting in the sane fonts then.

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