On 07/18/2012 10:43 AM, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-07-18 at 10:19 +0200, Jan Synacek wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> what should I do with the spec file of a package (ftp) with no upstream and 
>> no upstream source?
>> I mean the URL and Source0 lines. Should I just let them there, put a note 
>> in a comment or
>> just remove them?
> Upload it to fedorahosted, gitorious, github, or whatever.  Even if
> you're the only person with access initially, it's still useful as a
> possible code sharing mechanism with other distributions, etc.  And
> who knows, maybe someone will come along and submit patches.

Sounds reasonable. Thank you.

Jan Synacek
Software Engineer, BaseOS team Brno, Red Hat

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