Am 15.07.2012 19:31, schrieb Jan Kratochvil:
> On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 15:50:39 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> only prelink is good with zero benefit?
> Yes, without that "zero benefit".  prelink has provable startup performance
> improvement and runtime memory savings.

not practically

>> i did not notice ever any benfit of prelink even by
>> starting large applications
> This is repeating argument again and again, there are many benchmarks of
> prelink if you have spent several seconds Googling them, one of them even 
> here:
>       Re: prelink: is it worth it?

you must start openoffice damned often that the benfit beats out
the overhead of the /etc/cron.daily/prelink

>> it is broken by design modify installed/running binaries
> ELF is designed to be relocated, as you can read from the ELF standard.
> And prelink is even designed to very easily provide the original binary form.

in theory well, but practically?

>> it is a solution becuase prelink is a "have solution seacrh for problem"
> The problem is battery drain, everyone tries to optimize battery drain
> nowadays, to be "green" and to extend portable devices lifetime.
> prelink contributes to the battery drain solution.

you must start prelinked applications damend of
to beat the battery drain of /etc/cron.daily/prelink

> Unless you can claim we should compile everything with -O0

apples and pies

the compiler optimizing is made one time on the buildserver
for each installation, prelining eats ressources  on each

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