On 11 July 2012 18:55, Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mail...@laposte.net> wrote:

> > On 07/11/2012 02:58 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
> >> On 07/11/2012 08:51 AM, pravin....@gmail.com wrote:
> >>> I have completed initial work. Yet not able to solve
> >>> LiberationSansNarrow
> >>> licensing stuff might be it will take some more time
> >>
> >> Most people reading devel probably don't know what the
> >> LiberationSansNarrow
> >> licensing problem is.
> >
> > The problem is that particular variant was donated by Oracle under the
> > Liberation license and Google croscore doesn't have that variant either.
> >  So we are basically struck with it for now.
> And Oracle did it because they wanted an Arial Narrow replacement for
> OpenOffice.org, so I doubt they'll participate in any relicensing now that
> they got rid of this product line (I'd be delighted to be proven wrong!)
> It sucks but that means for now the project should probably be split in
> two: Liberation v2 with OFL license gased on Google files, and v1 keeping
> only Narrows with the old Liberation License

Yes, that is the present plan.

Pravin Satpute
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