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El Tue, 19 Jun 2012 16:25:50 -0700
Jesse Keating <jkeat...@j2solutions.net> escribió:
> On 06/19/2012 03:59 PM, Jef Spaleta wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 2:47 PM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"
> > <johan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Again anything that gets handed out at various events should be
> >> considered release blockers since the quality of that product
> >> reflects back at us as a community thus if an relevant SIG cannot
> >> cover it's own release testing apart from what we consider core
> >> and QA handles ( which in essence is what those spins build upon )
> >> it should be removed from anything we officially hand out thus no
> >> longer be considered release blockers.
> >
> > At what point in the process would you place the go-no-go as to the
> > release of a specific deliverable as an official spin?
> >
> > In an effort to not beatup an existing subgroup that is perhaps
> > shorthanded I'll talk about a hypthetical situation.
> > For the sake of argument lets assume I and a small group of heroic
> > people were able to beat CDE into shape as a new fedora spin.
> > Retro is the new hotness right...
> >
> > We get a spin out the door we get on the spins page for a release or
> > two....we are rocking the world. And then for some reason on the
> > next release we all fall behind and we don't keep up with the
> > necessary integration changes.  And CDE is just horribly broken for
> > months.  A lot of bugs get set as release blockers and we are
> > pinged...but we just don't get the work done.....
> >
> > At one point in the pre-release process does our Spin get culled
> > from the herd and we are told..sorry..this release won't have a CDE
> > spin? At what point does the QA and release team just punt?
> >
> > -jef
> >
> We already have a go/ no go line built into the schedule.  It's the 
> Feature Freeze line.  Things are supposed to be in a testable state
> by that point.  If your desktop is so broken as to not even be
> testable, that's reason to drop it.  I believe that's the transition
> from Alpha to Beta.

Feature freeze is at Alpha, it has to be testable in the Alpha release.
it doesnt have to be complete until Beta though.

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