On Tue, 2012-06-19 at 23:28 -0400, Ben Rosser wrote:

> So far, the only actual arguments against this (specifically, the
> above solution to the problem) I've heard is that it breaks being able
> to configure /boot/grub2/grub.cfg by hand. But that's the idea behind
> grub2, for better or worse. The documentation specifically tells you
> NOT to edit that file, but to instead edit configuration in /etc.
> Most of the other arguments raised in response to this seem to have
> really been about grub2 itself, and if Fedora has to use it, so.. are
> there any other thoughts on the actual matter at hand?

grub2-mkconfig is inherently a more 'destructive' operation than grubby,
is really my only thought. But I wouldn't mind the change much at all.
pjones' opinion would be the most valuable to have, I guess.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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