Petr Pisar píše v Čt 14. 06. 2012 v 09:16 +0000:
> On 2012-06-13, Kevin Fenzi <> wrote:
> >> Can a comps maintainer confirm that yum group used for installing
> >> minimal build-root in F18 has been renamed from `buildsys-build' to
> >> `build'?
> >
> > I don't see that change here.
> >
> I had to use mock on top of f18-perl build tag and I get an YUM error
> about missing group during mock --init phase.
> So I checked log from latest f18 build in koji and found `build' group
> is used.
> Then I used `koji mock-config' to get new config and it reported `build'
> too. So I concluded the `buildsys-build' has been renamed to `build'.
> After sending my post, I returned back to rawhide repository (because of
> local mirror) and I found had to revert my config back to
> `buildsys-build'.

there is a difference in the "build" group name between koji build
repositories that doesn't include Fedora comps (group=build) and the
released repos which include comps (group=buildsys-build).


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