On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 17:27:03 +0100,
  Ian Malone <ibmal...@gmail.com> wrote:

I get the need for people to volunteer and test and that's fine. But
the thing I can't square here is why then we aren't all on
updates-testing all the time? The kernel is one of the few packages
you can guarantee everyone is using. We'd all like to know if an
upcoming kernel has problems that will affect us, but you can't know
that until you run it.

So the answer is to test it by being on updates-testing, but this
means you put yourself in the way of every possible kernel update and
open yourself to more potential problems. I don't have a solution for
that, but it's clearly something that needs some thought (as someone
who has quite a few times been stuck on old kernels and trying
updates-testing ones to see if they fix a newly introduced problem).

Different people may be more comfortable with dealing with kernel problems then others. This can vary based on the persons skills and how they are using the affected machines.

Part of my contribution to Fedora is being a guinea pig using updates-testing and rawhide. However, dealing with these issues occasionally sucks up a lot of time and I can certainly see why others would need to not do this.
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