On 06/12/2012 07:43 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
Jay Sulzberger (j...@panix.com) said:
There is here no irrestible tide. Rather, Fedora is jumping to
surrender before engagement.
Secret discussions with Microsoft is perhaps part of this
engagement. But such discussion is not the whole battle.
Fedora should call a conference to organize fighting back, rather
than attempting to defend on this list the serious tactical
error which Fedora is about to commit.
No offense, but you seem to have a very unusual idea about how much leverage
Fedora has anywhere.
None ... Linux and the spirit of freedom behind it matters.
Why would hardware vendors listen to a community
distribution that they never preinstall, have no plans to preinstall, and
brings them absolutely no money?
... think Adaptec... ca. 15-20 years ago.
I am inclined to believe, the spirit behind Linux has changed, changed
away from being idealistic to playing issues low for commerial interests.
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