Hmm. Sorry, that is the only article I found on the subject (having searched for "Linus Torvalds Fedora" on search engines). There was also a summary on LinuxToday, which then linked the same ZDnet article.
2012/6/12 Peter Jones <> > Aside Linus being incorrect, the rest of the article is also full of > incorrect > information and supposition. With this in mind, I wish you wouldn't link a > press articles which are filled with incorrect information and rumors. > These > people get paid based on the number of times the link gets clicked, and > circulating their urls directly incentivises the production of this shoddy > excuse for journalism. > And, IMHO, it is important for us to know that Linus Torvalds has expressed his point of view on that debate, even if the article is "full of mistakes". Also, some of the proponents of the SecureBoot-enabled Fedora could maybe explain Linus his mistakes, so that his future feedback be more educated? Or, at least, publish a blog post, so that when we search for "Linus Torvalds Fedora", the ZD's article will not be the only one to be given back by the search engines... Kind regards D
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