> For example if you configure empathy you *will* use it regardless if you 
> want it or not which makes one wonder how much of Gnome is truly 
> integrated with that stuff.

You will use what? How will Empathy or any other GNOME component suddenly
start using it (not sure what "it" is) if you have not explicitly given

> Fortunately pidgin exist and I use it =)

And how is Pidgin different in this regard?

> To give you an example of how much big pile of mess these online 
> accounts have come to be, now after my mobile phone upgrade to IOS 4.0.3 

Irrelevant. Last time I checked, we don't ship IOS.

Happy hacking,

K&R is like the Bible. The fervent read it from end to end, the religious
keep a copy.  -- Arjun Shankar

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