On Mon, 2012-06-04 at 22:52 +0200, Björn Persson wrote:
> Adam Williamson wrote:
> > Given that I was stating my personal opinion on the message we should
> > communicate to the general user population about which upgrade methods
> > are most likely to work with the least tweaking, though, I'm not sure
> > what relevance your personal qualms about buying optical media have to
> > do with anything. It's not like I said we should disable yum upgrades.
> You wanted to "more strongly recommended that people do DVD/netinst 
> upgrades". 
> By recommending this we'd be encouraging users to buy more optical media and 
> thereby give more money to the copyright lobby. Given that freedom is one of 
> Fedora's core values I don't think we should encourage people to give money 
> to 
> organizations that are fighting to take freedom away from the Internet.

Good for you. As things stand, though, as a project, we have no position
on that issue and no objection to optical media. Everyone has their
bugbears. If you can make it clear that enough people in Fedora feel as
strongly as you do about copyright levies, then maybe things will be
different. But, still, the fact remains that the 'DVD' and netinst
images are not in fact tied to optical media. I'd guess (it is entirely
a guess, I have no data) that they're as often deployed via USB as they
are via discs, these days.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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