On 02/06/12 00:05, Tomas Mraz wrote:
But that is a pretty bad situation isn't it? And it really is not so
rare situation unless users would really know not to do that.

If, for the sake of discussion, I suppress my conservative instincts and
start thinking about "How the ideal OS in the ideal world should work"
(which is a very bad idea, IMHO, but anyway), I am still thinking about
this from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/tmp-on-tmpfs#Comments_and_Discussion:

We believe that /etc/fstab is the place to configure real file
systems, for actual user data, backed by real devices. The API file
system /tmp does not qualify for that in our eyes. /tmp is very much
something that should just exist as part of the OS and needs no user

Isn't it really just our bad habit, that we work too much outside of $HOME? Shouldn't whole world outside of $HOME be for a normal user just a black box (so no movies there)?


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