On Fri, 2012-05-18 at 12:12 -0700, Richard Vickery wrote:
> Thanks Adam,
> First cpuinfo:

> now meminfo, if needed,

I...no, that doesn't help. Why would it help?

Sorry for not giving more precise instructions. What we want are the
logs from anaconda. Specifically, program.log, but all of them may be

After installation has completed (even if bootloader installation
failed), you can find them in /var/log/anaconda on the installed system.
You can mount the installed partitions from a live image, perhaps, to
access this location. Then get the logs out and attach them. thanks.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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