On 05/14/2012 10:46 PM, Thomas Moschny wrote:
2012/5/14 Toshio Kuratomi<a.bad...@gmail.com>:
Automating of the package's checksum won't work for many VCS's .  git, for
instance, does not preserve timestamps.  So the tarball created from a git
snapshot will have a different checksum for each checkout.
While files' modification times in a checkout may be different,
archives created with 'git archive' are stable, because git uses the
datetime of the commit for each file in the archive.

So instead of cloning the repository and creating the archive locally,
the preferred method would imho be to use a download link (if present)
of the used git hosting service for directly preparing an archive, and
to file bugs for the respective hosting service if they do not
properly use this git functionality.

- Thomas
I don't find the reference right here, but of the top of my head git changes modification times when checking out a branch, but keeps it when checking out a commit. But the real problem is the hosting services, and while we certainly can file bugs on github or gitorious, we also have to live with them.

We just had a thread on the github tarballs with the unreasonable names like 1234fcd; no extension... modification time is not the only problem
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