On 05/03/2012 05:22 PM, Cosimo Cecchi wrote:
Hi all,
Yesterday night I noticed an IRC conversation on #fedora-desktop
about this, and suggested that an actual window would be a lot
better than a notification.
Kalev, Matthias and the people there agreed with me, so I went
ahead and wrote some code that does just that [1].
Screenshots can be found here [2] [3].
I showed this today to Matthias and other people in the RH office,
and the reception was good; people agree it's a good improvement over the
proposed notification for F17.
The text in the window comes from the result of this thread's discussion.
What do you think?
[1] https://github.com/cosimoc/fedora-welcome
[2] http://i.imgur.com/8vRcO.png
[3] http://i.imgur.com/gF0UJ.png
Loved it!
Thanks and congratulations :)
Germán A. Racca
Fedora Package Maintainer
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