On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Kalev Lember <kalevlem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I finished up the work on the notification and landed it in
> spin-kickstarts, so it should be available with the next media compose
> for both F17 and rawhide:

Cool, thanks.

> This is how it currently looks after booting up the Desktop Live CD:
> http://kalev.fedorapeople.org/anaconda-notification.png
> "Install" starts the installer; clicking anywhere else within the black
> notification box dismisses the notification.

I've got to be honest here -- I don't like the wording of the
notification.  In particular, the section that says "If you want to
keep using Fedora" is ambiguous, as you could keep using Fedora from
the live media without installing it.  Might I suggest the following
text instead:

You are currently running Fedora from live media.  To install Fedora
to your hard drive, click the button below or the "Install to Hard
Drive" option in the activities menu.

Jared Smith
devel mailing list

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