| > On Thu, 2012-04-26 at 19:50 +0200, Micha?? Piotrowski wrote:
| > > 
| > > Has anyone tried to preupgrade from F16 to F17? Are there any problems
| > > related to UsrMove (or anything else)?
| > 
| > I made the jump via preupgrade and had quite a bit of trouble. A number
| > of packages didn't get upgraded while some of their dependencies did,
| > including several that had strict version deps which should have
| > prevented this.
| The problem with this kind of report is that preupgrade uses the live
| repositories, so any kind of package dependency-type issue you hit is
| more to do with good old packaging human error than it is with
| preupgrade, and is not necessarily likely to be encountered by anyone
| else, at least in precisely the same way, because the repos change all
| the time. You'd be about as likely to hit trouble with any 'live repo'
| upgrade in this case (yum or DVD/netinst with remote repos enabled).

I did a preupgrade from F16->F17 on Apr 27 and thankfully, all worked out
- I am posting from that laptop. I am sure I took a big risk but so far, 
so good.

Harish Pillay 9v1hp hpil...@redhat.com +65.9636.9253 gpg id: 746809E3

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