> On Fri, 2012-04-20 at 11:55 +0200, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
>> Am I the only one who doesn't see any improvement in this solution?


On Apr 20, 2012, at 7:52 AM, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> I've said from the beginning that I think the best solution is to show a
> regular window, either just autostarting the installer or offering a
> 'install or just try uninstalled' choice. I'm not claiming that the
> notification is a fantastic solution.
> The improvement of the notification over the extension is that it
> doesn't break some of the basic shell design choices by forcing itself
> between the system status and the clock on the top panel.

Exhibit A: Notification doesn't have translations. It is also not persistently 

Exhibit B: The button/extension inherits translation, it is persistently 

Exhibit C: Autostarting the installer on a LiveCD is user hostile, totally 
untenable. Put such a Live CD into a flaming bag of dog crap, with optional 
sparklers for further effect.

Exhibit D: A regular window will be closed by the user, and now where is the 
installer? Not persistently discoverable.

Exhibit E: The basic shell design is asinine and indefensible. A Desktop 
folder, contents of which do not show up on the desktop. That's what started 
this problem, for which there was previously quite a universally accepted means 
of persistent discoverability of the installer icon.

If not the button, I'd propose an enduring hack to restore sensible desktop 
icon functionality and my right to a cluttered desktop.

Chris Murphy
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