> > Having this implemented manually would be great. In the future I'd
> > like to replace it with automatic process managed by AutoQA. AutoQA
> > would say Bodhi "this update can be only pushed together with this
> > other update, because the first one depends on the second one". The
> > maintainer wouldn't then be forced to create mega-updates for
> > dependent packages.
> I'm not sure we necessarily want AutoQA to be _driving_ processes
> like
> this, do we? Properly, it should be _verifying_ that updates are
> dependency-complete, not performing the task of making them
> dependency-complete. Doesn't it work better to have the
> dependencies-in-updates stuff handled at the level of the existing
> tools
> by which developers work with updates - i.e. Bodhi? Has AutoQA really
> been designed to the requirements of acting as a traffic cop for
> Bodhi?

I'm not sure I follow you on this. I was talking about verification. Let's have 
updates A and B in Bodhi, A depends on B. AutoQA will say "pushing A+B is 
fine", "pushing A alone is not fine", "pushing B alone is fine". That means the 
developer will not be required to manually specify "my update A depends on 
update B", because we wouldn't push A alone anyway.

But I don't think this is happening too soon so this discussion is really 
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