Chris Lumens wrote:

>> Just out of curiosity: Your description makes me assume that the
>> installer in the future still don't do things like partitioning,
>> formating or installing a basic set of packages in the background while
>> the user (which has a high latency/response time) is asked questions
>> about the root password to use, users accounts to create or which
>> timezone the system is in?
>> Just wondering, because the Ubuntu installer does things like that,
>> which makes the installation a little bit quicker.
> This is the direction we are heading, though it's uncertain yet whether
> this part will be in F18 or will have to get put off until F19.  Just
> getting a new, relatively bug-free UI in is a lot of work for a single
> release.

How is that possible to implement with a:
1. Show GUI, write kickstart.
2. Process kickstart.

        Kevin Kofler

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