On 03/20/2012 10:44 AM, drago01 wrote:
On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Brendan Conoboy<b...@redhat.com> wrote:
Please, please, no. Cross compilation for Fedora cannot and will not ever
get a secondary arch to primary. We're talking man-decades of engineering
time to solve all the problems. Decades.
Sorry I am not buying that.
Because you have vast experience to the contrary? Look, even x86_64 is
topping out on speed and moving to a more-core and more-systems-per-rack
model. Cross compilation solves yesterday's problem, not tomorrow's.
If build speed truly is a fundamental issue to becoming PA the answer is
to harness multiple systems for a single build, not to use a somewhat
faster system to make up for the speed of a somewhat slower system.
Scaling across more cores than fit in a single SMP Linux environment is
the only sensible approach to future build speedups. Though is an
interesting challenge, it is completely beyond the scope of primary
architecture requirements. Please, let's drop talk of cross compilation.
Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / b...@redhat.com
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