On Thu, 2012-03-08 at 09:52 -0900, Jef Spaleta wrote:
> 2012/3/8 Miloslav Trmač <m...@volny.cz>:
> > The lazy answer to both is "fail, or not, the same way as cups
> > currently fails, or not" (in fact, could the session printing service
> > simply be cups that treats the system instance as another remote
> > server?).
> If we were looking for the lazy answer, we'd just not bother with queing at 
> all.

Yes, exactly, and that is what I'm suggesting.  For printing entirely in
the user session it is a case of using an alternative to using CUPS
running on the local machine, so that means:

a) no filters or drivers; the job document is the PDF produced by the
application/print dialog

b) no queueing; submit the job directly to the print server, and if that
fails then explain why immediately


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