On 03/02/2012 04:16 AM, Tim Waugh wrote:
Yes, it's a policy.

Also see this bug which I filed nearly two years ago on just this


New bug report filed: "security policy: root password needed when it shouldn't be".


There are security implications to exposing the plaintext root password (or any password) to intercept and compromise, when they aren't needed for the user to contact networked printers in the first place.

(For an easy example: the user could use nc(1) to print to an HP jetdirect printer.)

I think what we have here is a zealous attention to security. That's not a bad thing per se, but can lead to insecure policies that have the added disadvantage of being highly annoying to people who use Fedora.

OT, but related: All my own desktops, save a mac mini, have been Fedora since FC1, and were RedHat before that since "time immemorium". How about you? :)


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