Dne 11.2.2012 16:42, Steve Grubb napsal(a):
On Monday, February 06, 2012 09:31:50 AM Bohuslav Kabrda wrote:
Ruby 1.9.3 has finally made it into Rawhide, there are still few more
packages that need to be built, but otherwise the transitions was

Please note again, that soname has been bumped to 1.9.1 and license is
changed from GPLv2 or Ruby to BSD or Ruby, as already announced.
Would have been nice if this project had kicked off rebuilds like other soname
bump projects do. :)  I'm finding a problem with my package. According to the
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Ruby guidelines, I should be doing the
ruby_sitearch macro. But this seems to point to /usr/local/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/
and I would have expected it to be somewhere else like /usr/lib64/ruby/...

Did this really change to /usr/local/lib64/ruby/? The "local" part is throwing
off my package.


Hi Steve,

Actually we rebuild almost all packages, which we were rebuildable. Unfortunately, libprelude is one of the packages which is on our "blacklist". It seems that the Ruby binding needs some love, i.e. adaptation for Ruby 1.9.3. Also, it seems that the upstream is dead. Is that right? You'll know it better I hope ;)

Regarding the needed changes, this [2] is libprellude git repo with modified .spec file, however, I am afraid that it is not enough. The magic macros you have discussed later with Toshio are defined in /etc/rpm/ruby.macros and provided by ruby-devel package, so you don't have to define them manually in each package anymore.


[1] http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ruby-sig/2011-December/000729.html
[2] http://bkabrda.fedorapeople.org/ruby-git-repos/libprelude.tar.gz
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