On 01/31/2012 04:52 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-01-31 at 15:03 -0600, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 13:01:28 -0800,
>>   Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> I just noticed that, for some reason, I can compose a live image if I
>>> just use regular Rawhide repos, but if I add the /usr move repo, I get
>>> this compose error:
>>> Error creating Live CD : Failed to build transaction :
>>> xulrunner-9.0.1-2.fc17.x86_64 requires libvpx.so.0()(64bit)
>> xulrunner needs to be rebuilt for a soname bump in libvpx.
> It seems the xulrunner build failed for some reason - likely a GCC 4.7
> issue. We're not going to be able to compose stuff until that's
> sorted :( Jan, can you please prioritize getting xulrunner and firefox
> built in Rawhide? Thanks!

No, xulrunner failed because I need to patch nss-softokn to fix a bug in
rawhide, but nss-softokn has already been modified for /usr move and I
wasn't sure how to actually push the fix out into rawhide. If someone
can advise me here, I should be able to do it tomorrow morning (can't do
it tonight, going to a hockey game).


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