Adam Williamson wrote:
> Just to note, in case anyone wondered, as I have something of a dog in
> the compiz fight: I did consider taking these but can't honestly commit
> to having enough time to maintain them decently. Since Canonical hired
> the main Compiz developer it does seem to be the case that compiz is
> gradually mutating into simply being Unity's compositor, which makes it
> somewhat less interesting from a Fedora perspective. In general, you
> could say the F/OSS desktop world is moving gradually away from the idea
> of having this giant all-in-one, somewhat-hacky compositor/window
> manager...thing...which is independent of the desktop it's running on.

The fact that the 2 major desktops both ship their own compositing window 
manager these days has a lot to do with that.

Upstream KDE developers basically deprecated Compiz when they added support 
for compositing and desktop effects to KWin 4.0, and as more and more 
effects got added to KWin (especially the infamous "Cube" effect which 
people love to showcase), user interest basically dropped down to zero as 
well. The fact that Compiz's support for KWin decorations, which was enabled 
by default as part of Compiz's KDE integration, had trouble keeping up with 
changes to KWin's internals (leaving Compiz broken in KDE at times) didn't 
help either.

And now GNOME integrated its shell with its own (compositing) window manager 
into a single process, leaving Compiz to not even be an option (unless you 
use the deprecated fallback mode which is bound to go away sooner or later). 
Nor would there be a true reason for why you'd want it, with compositing 
being built in and always enabled in Mutter.

        Kevin Kofler

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