On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 02:20:15 +0100
Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:

> Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > We talked about, but never finished implementing a timeout on acl
> > requests.
> > 
> > The way this would work is that maintainer would have some time.. 3
> > weeks or something to reject a acl request. If they did not do so,
> > pkgdb would automatically approve it at the end of the time.
> > This would help in cases where the maintainer is overloaded or not
> > paying attention.
> The question is of course why we need to allow the maintainer to
> reject comaintainership in the first place.

Sure. In an ideal world we never would. 

In the real world it might be that someone is a new maintainer and
wanting to work on a package that is very complex or sensitive without
much background, or someone who the current maintainers know they
differ on philosophy or something that would make working together
difficult, or a maintainer who doesn't get along with upstream and
would cause undue friction, or a maintainer who doesn't communicate
with existing maintainers well, etc. 


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