> Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages.
> It's that time again for Fedora 17.
> New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have
> failed to build since before Fedora 15.
> The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If
> you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
> Due to the orphaning of packages due to inactive maintainers, this list
> is a little longer than normal.

> Orphan tboot
>       comaintained by: gwei3

I have to pick up tboot package, but I failed to do it for several times. Any 
hints for how can I do it?

I am the co-maintainer of tboot, below is my steps(failed) trying to take 
ownership of it:

Login as gwei3, and enter tboot package 
url(https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/tboot), press "take 
ownership" buttons for Fedora devel/15/16, wait for a while then the buttons 
keeps as grayed, refresh the page, the package status is still orphaned.

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