Petr Pisar wrote:
> I've already written suggestion to redhat-rpm-config owner to plug
> dependencies maintained by particular SIGs (like perl or ada) to get
> them controll over macros in minimal build root. However he has never
> replied.
> I think this is inevitabla to allow smooth upgrades and boot-strapping
> of big package ecosystems (like perl or ada). If you are interrested in
> this area, I can resend the (quite long) mail to fedora-devel, where we
> can discuss more and get some resolution. E.g. a ticket to FPC/FESCo to
> allow/force this solution.

In the Ada case it's really the GCC maintainers who decide what architectures 
to build GNAT on, but it would indeed be useful if we who work on Ada packages 
could adjust the list of architectures ourselves. The simplest solution seems 
to be to let SIG members co-maintain redhat-rpm-config. Did you have some more 
elaborate solution in mind?

Björn Persson

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