
just a few minutes ago I received a mail from FAS (I've double checked
that the info inside is correct and that it indeed came from fedora
infra machines) informing me of a user requesting a membership in one
of the groups I have sponsor status in. That wouldn't be surprising
were it not for the text being in Spanish (or maybe Portugal, I don't
speak these languages so I cannot tell them apart just by looking):

"El usuario Fedora @user-nick-and-mail-address@ ha
solicitado membresia para @user-nick@ en el grupo @group-name@ y
necesita un patrocinador.."

Now, the mail text is so simple I can understand the important part
without the need to translate, but I certainly would prefer to receive
such e-mails in English. Is there a chance I've set something wrong?
I've checked I have locale set to en in FAS web...


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