On 11/07/2011 07:41 PM, Tomas Mraz wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 10:35 -0900, Jef Spaleta wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Tomas Mraz<tm...@redhat.com>  wrote:
>>> Eventual blocking of the packages that violate this Fedora packaging
>>> rule was not yet definitively decided upon, but we agreed that the
>>> Fedora package maintainers should be warned that such blocking might
>>> happen before the Fedora 17 Alpha release.
>> Two questions,
>> 1) Do we have an accurate list of the packages in this category. And
>> more importantly how many of these have closed CLAs in the packaging
>> trees  which would prevent me as a good Samaritan from digging in and
>> committing a service file into the rawhide branch. The closed CLA
>> situations are going to be the touchiest, so lets not get blindsided
>> by those in the 11th hour.
> No, we do not have the list. Yet? Please add the question to the ticket:
> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/687

Roughly accurate list added from a simple repoquery ( some of which that 
I know already have submitted unit files )  and a tracker bug created 

Note dont just start blindly working on that list I probably will create 
a wikipage on my namespace similar to what I used for F15/F16 so this 
can be worked on in somekind of orderly fashion to prevent more then one 
person working on converting/packaging the same unit files.

If you are a proven packager you can start with what was submitted in 
F15/F16 as in going through the old tracker bug 713562.

Unit's created in F17 will be reflecting current state of systemd most 
notably we no longer will be using /var/run/, instead we will be using 
/run where applicable and we will be dropping After=syslog.target since 
it's no longer necessary which afaik will make the submitted unit files 
incompatible with F15 ( Lennart feel free to correct me if I wrong 
here... ).

Ofcourse already submitted and shipped unit files should be updated 

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