Stephen Gallagher wrote: > * #683 - Zif as default PackageKit backend for desktop users - > > (sgallagh, 17:03:32) > * AGREED: ZifByDefaultForDesktop is refused as a Feature for Fedora 17 > (sgallagh, 17:07:32)
IMHO refusing this was a bad idea when the more general rule was originally decided and is still a bad idea now. You're essentially blackmailing zif upstream: "Either you fully support command-line users or you will never be the default in Fedora's PackageKit." But command-line users and PackageKit users have different needs, having a requirement that both must use the same default backend can only hurt one or the other group of users. (Currently, we're hurting the PackageKit users, which should be the majority… Though there are still a lot of users using the command line, which I suspect is BECAUSE yum is a poor fit for PackageKit. See also .) Kevin Kofler -- devel mailing list