On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 1:06 AM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:
> Instead of trying to come up with clever hacks, please look at how existing
> kernel modules are packaged in RPM Fusion. They always have 2 SRPMs, by
> design, a -common package with the userspace parts (if there's no userspace
> code at all, it just contains documentation and such) and a package for the
> kernel module. They are not built as subpackages because the -common package
> is only built when the code changes, whereas the kernel module is rebuilt
> for each kernel.
> The problems you're encountering have all already be solved, please follow
> the existing guidelines:
> http://rpmfusion.org/Packaging/KernelModules/Kmods2

I vaguely remember this link... Is there a sitemap for rpmfusion? I
can't find a way to that link from the main page with appears to be an
issue for a lot of the links.

> Any further questions about packaging of kernel modules are best asked on
> the rpmfusion-devel mailing list.

Was already heading that direction as soon as I get some questions
answered on the zfs-devel list.

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