On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Doug Ledford <dledf...@redhat.com> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Well, you can move your service into the early boot part if
>> necessary. However, there's a fundamental problem here: iiuc you
>> compile
>> driver modules at boot and want them recognized by the system during
>> the
>> same boot run. That's hardly possible though. To compile your modules
>> you probably need the full set of file systems around (i.e. /var and
>> /tmp), but that's only available after udev was started and driver
>> loading triggered. So the earliest time you can build the drivers is
>> already too late to load them properly.
> You can always trigger the device you are building for again once the build 
> is complete.

Do you have some hints or a link describing how to do that?

> So, long story short, there are difficulties, not the least of which is the 
> poorly understood usage of the %trigger capabilities in rpm.

I've read up a little on %trigger but I'm not sure if it can be used
in this case since akmods basically builds an RPM package from a
source RPM package and installs it. If I try to use %triggerin then
I'm already in an RPM session so I don't know how I could trigger an
install. Currently akmods gets around that by putting a script in

If %trigger can handle this then I'd really like to know how because
that would help fix the problem of a new kernel install without the
accompanying kernel-devel package.

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