On 09/20/2011 05:52 PM, Nils Philippsen wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-09-20 at 15:19 +0200, Ralf Corsepius wrote:

>> When you have a closer look, you'll notice that such "mass rebuilts"
>> were being delayed by QA's "delay queue" and now are stuck.
> I didn't want to (re)start that particular discussion ;-).
> We need some guidelines who should drive rebuilds in such a situation,
> regardless of whether it happens in Rawhide or Branched or wherever.
a) These situation can only happen in release branches.

b) To me, Fedora is like coping with "German Tax Laws".
We don't need more regulations/guidelines, we need a fundamental
change of the tax system.

> Otherwise we'll end up with nobody doing the driving.
Well, packagers are driving ... it's the QA process which is causing 
their measures to show effect.

In a nutshell: Fedora's QA process is cause of many of these "broken 
deps" complaints.

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