>> * What if there are two layers of users that need to be rebuilt?
>> The delays just pile one upon another...
> You can update rawhide at any time and accomplish that work without
> delays.  Then it shows up in the next Fedora version.

Yes, but then we have align the schedules, so have a new gnome release
in good time before a new fedora release tree is forked and when a new
Fedora GA is released, it will be close to the next Gnome release and
Fedora will not be the latest and greatest.
As an example i was hit by the latest gnome 3.2 pre-release in Rawhide
and F16 in awn-extras-applets, there contains a lot of applets to awn
written in C, Python & Vala with a lot of different requirements to
all kind of different gnome stuff (fx. gnome-menu 2.0) this was bumped
to 3.0 and some python binding disappeared. It will take me 2-3 weeks
before figure out how to work around the issues, remove stuff there
can't be fixed and get into updates-testing and to stable. Lucky for
me, nothing depends on awn-extras-applets, but users will have
problems updating to the new gnome packages without removing the
awn-extras-applets package.
This is not ideal between alpha and beta, but it the way things goes,
if we want to have the latest gnome close to the fedora release.

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